And now for something completely different - Galapagos 6
I don’t think I’ve put a picture up of our “home” for 2 weeks:
The Samba
This morning on Espanola we found that marine iguanas here are red and blue (instead of the black ones we saw on Fernandina) due to the types of algae that they eat on this island.
We landed on a beach where there was a very big colony of sea lions that we had to carefully maneuver around.
As we walked on, we came to a large Nazca booby nesting site,
and again, the great natural compositions -
(this gull didn’t seem to like his neighbors):
At the south end of the island we were treated to some awesome blowholes (I hadn’t even noticed the boat offshore until after I took my pictures, as I was focusing on timing the surf - that Zodiac was from another boat).
We came back to the beach where we landed to find that the wind had really picked up,
and in the sea lion nursery, there were probably 30 pups playing in the shallow cove and surfing.
Later in the afternoon, we anchored off the coast of a blindingly white sand beach. I guess because it was so white, it was quite cool to the touch and easy to walk on, even at 2 in the afternoon.
Next post will be a long one, I think, so I’ll stop here. This American Oystercatcher seems to be saying, “Hmmm… I guess I’ll see you later”.