More animals??
Here’s a collection of different animals to show the tip of the iceberg of diversity we saw.
This male Impala looked like he was posing at a show.
Defassa Waterbuck (female above, male below)
Now to the smallest members of the antelope family. These pictures aren’t the greatest. I have better ones in the next National Park we went to, after Serengeti. Note the grasses - they are about knee-high.
And now for our favorite “animal we had never heard of” - Topi.
Well, that was all the “ungulates” that I captured, but I just discovered that these are ungulates too!
It took over 6 minutes of videoing before I got their vocalizations.
I was surprised at the pink:
Again, the feet are so interesting -
Here was a shot from an earlier day that made me smile: