More animals??

Here’s a collection of different animals to show the tip of the iceberg of diversity we saw.

Thomson’s gazelle

Thomson’s gazelle

Grant’s gazelles (longer, backward curving horns and no dark body stripe)

Grant’s gazelles (longer, backward curving horns and no dark body stripe)

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This male Impala looked like he was posing at a show.

Coke’s Hartebeest (Kongoni) - native to Kenya and Tanzania

Coke’s Hartebeest (Kongoni) - native to Kenya and Tanzania






Defassa Waterbuck (female above, male below)


Now to the smallest members of the antelope family. These pictures aren’t the greatest. I have better ones in the next National Park we went to, after Serengeti. Note the grasses - they are about knee-high.





And now for our favorite “animal we had never heard of” - Topi.

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Topi with female Impalas

Topi with female Impalas

Well, that was all the “ungulates” that I captured, but I just discovered that these are ungulates too!

It took over 6 minutes of videoing before I got their vocalizations.

I was surprised at the pink:


Again, the feet are so interesting -


Here was a shot from an earlier day that made me smile:
