Ahhh, Cozumel
After a LONG day of travel (up at 0330 and arrive at 7 pm), I was treated to my Happy Meal:
Even though it's cooler than I'd prefer (it's low 70's and windy), it's still sunny and the water's warm (80!). We drove around the island yesterday because the dive boat didn't go out, so we enjoyed the sun and beautiful blues of the water from the shore.
Our first day of diving today was pretty neat, with all our new gear working well, and the water a LOT warmer than the cool, rainy day we left on the boat.
This spotted eel greeted us soon after entry
Juvenile spotted drum - body the size of your thumbnail
French angelfish is bigger than a dinner platter
We continue diving the next few mornings, and sunning and reading in the afternoons. I may post again before we leave Cozumel for Barbados, if we get some neat underwater photos.