Tobago thoughts
We're taking our last 2 days in Tobago super easy and just literally sitting! Well, I am swimming laps in the pool, just to burn some calories, but with all the divin' and drivin' we'd done for the past week, neither of us really want to do any more exploring. We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are entitled to relax now, and every new place doesn't have to be explored down to the last square inch.
This is the beach right near our apartment, and our "landlady" says it's alway this deserted. It was great to walk along, and see lizards and crabs scuttle away, as well as watch the long, slow rise of water over the shallow bay. We can hear the waves crashing from our apt. deck.
This is the view of the bay where we dove nearly every day for the last week. We dove at sites all around those islands. The big one in back is Little Tobago, where we saw the tropicbirds, and the little ones in front have an interesting history. Not sure if you can see it in this picture, but there's a small water separation between the islands in the front, and the white patch is a house that Ian Fleming supposedly stayed in, writing the James Bond novels. Apparently, some of the movies were shot here too.
The town of Speyside that greeted us after every dive.
Now for random thoughts:
On each of the Commonwealth islands we've been on, all the school kids wear uniforms. As we round the corners on our drive, we come upon new color combinations for each different school.
Whenever we get anything to drink (even water), the straw that's in it has a little paper cap, probably to show it's a new straw. However, Steve has been joking that labor is so cheap here, that someone is hired to place the paper cap back on straws they are re-using. (yuck, gross...)
Guys walk the streets with machetes (they don't look menacing - I guess they're going to work).
There's no need for alarm clocks here. I'm up with the sun and birds at 0600. Also, a guy with a commercial line trimmer started (under our bedroom window) at 0559 - - on Sunday!
This land crab appears to be waving -- goodbye until Aruba!