Before I start today’s blog, I wanted to let you know the good news that Chase investigated the ticket mess up and admitted that it was their fault - not American. We’ll be reimbursed the costs of our one way tickets to Medellin! Now back to your regularly scheduled blog…
We took a day trip out of Medellin to see “The Rock”, called La Piedra del Penol.
It was a two hour bus ride that only cost $4 each, and we were happy that it didn’t turn out to be a “chicken bus”. However, it was quite crowded at times, as we stopped frequently to pick up and drop off locals in the small towns.
the people on the right side are actually standing on the entrance stairs
We enjoyed the lush Colombian countryside (this was actually the only picture I got due to the narrow winding road and a window that wouldn’t open all the way.) -
La Piedra is made of granite, and has resisted weathering and erosion, unlike the surrounding area. It rises 200m from its base, and in a large break on one side, a staircase was constructed…
… allowing tourists to get a beautiful 360 degree view -
It is a very popular place!
The climb wasn’t very interesting…
… but I felt the views were worth it (Steve wasn’t so sure that it was worth 6 travel hours—but he’s wrong!).
We then took a tuk-tuk into the town of Guatape…
… which is known for its zocalos…
(did you notice the old lady sitting at the corner of the alley?)
Zocalos are the friezes on the lower levels of the houses. Some honor the traditions of the homeowner, such as farming or fishing, while others have sheep or other animals.
The three-dimensional ones always seemed to catch my eye -
After a last look at “the Rock”…
… we bid this colorful town adieu.